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Recreation – Education – Wellness for 50+
"Thank you to whoever is responsible"

I would like to comment on your newsletter how awesome it is. Thank you to whoever is responsible very much appreciated.


Thanks Madge

"Very Impressive"

Our newsletter. Very impressive. Don't know who does it, but it looks great!



"Thank you to whoever is responsible"

Well done all! The presentation in the Peach Fest Parade looked lively, colourful, fun and friendly - just like most of the people I've met through the Centre.



"Great idea bringing seniors together"

To whoever set up the idea of a birthday cake for honouring monthly birthdays for seniors, great idea, bringing seniors together who may not have a birthday party. Many seniors are alone at times as they age. This simple act of kindness is so nice.



"Looking forward to more similar monthly dinners"

Your Feb. 10th Roast Beef Dinner was "THE BEST EVER". The Beef was done to perfection, sliced very thinly, and there was some nice Medium Rare cuts. The thinly sliced meat is more desirable and results in less waste. The veggies, potatoes and desert were also excellent. Looking forward to more similar monthly dinners.



Penticton Seniors' Drop-In Centre Society

Call 250 493 2111

2965 South Main St., Penticton, BC  V2A 5J7

© 2024

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